An Unlikely Angel

“An Unlikely Angel” is a feature film directed and produced by Durrell Nelson and written and produced by Rebecca Rogers Nelson. Douglas Miller helmed as the Director of Photography.

“An Unlikely Angel” is a heart-warming story about a successful NYC toy executive who faces her biggest challenge yet; being a mom. Janie, who is fully in control in the boardroom is a complete wreck at the thought of becoming a mom. She is afraid she will get it all wrong, or worse, get it right and then suffer the same illness that took her mom away from her so early in life. Through an answer to prayer and the help of a New York Cabbie/angel, Janie gets a chance to see what her life could be in the future and is miraculously offered a "do-over."

The film was released as a PureFlix Original in August 2022

Screenplay written by Rebecca Rogers Nelson


Pony Island Run